Sandy Springs Name Change Lawyer

There are many reasons a person might want to change their name. The most common is to restore a prior name after a divorce, but the law allows a person to change their name for any good-faith reason.

Changing your name requires filing legal documents and appearing in court, so it is advisable to engage a legal professional to help. When you work with a Sandy Springs name change lawyer, you can be confident they will handle your name change capably and that it will go through without preventable complications. Call today to being speaking with a dedicated family law attorney.

Standard Name Change Procedure

A citizen or lawful permanent resident living in Sandy Springs can legally change their name by applying at the Fulton County Superior Court with the help of their attorney. The court clerk can provide the necessary documents, but it is wise to work with a local attorney to complete them to avoid mistakes or omissions.

When the application form and supporting documents are filed in court, you must publish your request for a name change in a local newspaper every week for four weeks. The court will handle the publication, but you must pay a fee. Your name change request must be public so that creditors and others have notice of your intent to change your name.

When you have complied with the publication requirement, the family court will hold a hearing. The judge will ask why you are changing your name and may not approve the request if they believe you are trying to evade creditors. When the judge is satisfied you have legitimate reasons for changing your name, they will issue a name change order.

Special Procedures for Survivors of Violence

Most court documents, including most name change requests, are available for public review. However, some people request a legal name change because they have been subjected to domestic violence or human trafficking. They want to be known by another name to protect their safety.

The Official Code of Georgia §19-12-1 allows you to ask the court to seal your name change request if you have been the victim of domestic violence or human trafficking. You must convince the court that your safety could be at risk if your request for a name change is public. A Sandy Springs attorney can assist you in making your argument that your situation merits sealing the application.

If the family court finds that you have a legitimate basis for sealing the record, they will order the application sealed and make it unavailable for public review. The judge will also waive the publication requirement and could issue your name change on that day.

Reclaiming Your Name After a Divorce

The law allows a simplified name change procedure when you want to shed your married name after a divorce. Anyone who wants to resume a name they had before marriage can indicate their desire on the divorce papers.

You may resume the name you were given when you were born or the name you were known by when you married. If you want to take a name that is different from one you have had before, you must go through the standard name change process.

The judge will not restore a former name until the divorce is final. The restored name will be in the final divorce decree and the decree will be your proof of name change. A Sandy Springs attorney can ensure the name you wish to resume appears in the filings.

Work With a Sandy Springs Attorney to Ensure a Name Change Goes Smoothly

There is nothing more personally significant than your name. When you want to change your legal name, treat the process with the gravity it deserves and work with a skilled Sandy Springs name change lawyer.

They can oversee the process and ensure there are no mistakes or delays. Speak to a team member about scheduling a consultation today.

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