Our Family Law Attorneys

When a family unit is threatened by divorce or a custody battle, we truly have the expertise to step in and help minimize the blow on the family’s well-being.

The mundane, day-to-day problems that divorce creates are the issues that frustrate and wear down most families through this emotional process. We look at these complex situations as an engineering challenge. Our family law firm has the unique ability and legal experience that has created an unrivaled team and system to handle complex situations that burn out and overwhelm so many other divorce lawyers. Our unique team and system address and support the critical components of divorce that enables us to solve these challenges and provide unbeatable service and true value to our clients.

Meet Our Team

A caring, perceptive family law firm can be a tremendous advocate in times of personal upheaval such as divorce or a child custody dispute. Working closely with a divorce lawyer requires great trust.

Our Team

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Atlanta Divorce Law Group

Sara Khaki
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