Alpharetta Physical Child Custody Lawyer

As defined by Alpharetta law, physical custody determines where the children live post-divorce or separation. Most co-parents share joint physical custody where the children spend half their time with each parent. Other families have a primary physical custodian with whom the kids live the majority of the time. An Alpharetta physical custody lawyer can help you better understand the options available.

Our team of well-versed child custody attorneys can work with you every step of the way. With the help you need, you can find an arrangement that will be best for you and your children.

Responsibilities Associated with Physical Custody

There are financial responsibilities associated with physical custody. The physical custodian must provide for all the child’s needs while they are with them. This includes paying for clothing, food, and housing.

If the children are going to primarily live with one parent who must then pay for the majority of their needs, the other parent may have to pay child support. This support is meant to help the primary physical custodian meet the needs of the children.

The financial responsibilities associated with sole physical custody are the same as for any other physical custody arrangement. When this is the arrangement, the other parent will usually pay child support.

Issues in Determining Custody

Concerns about the children’s safety are the most common issues that arise when determining physical custody. Another issue that comes up is if the child has a mental health problem or medical issue that one parent is uncooperative or unwilling to get treatment for. When these problems arise, there is not a lot of room for compromise.

Other issues arise when one parent has a set view of what is best for the children. These often end up being a high conflict court cases. Since the parents are unable to work together to come to agreements about how they are going to co-parent, it will usually be left to the judge to decide. An Alpharetta physical custody attorney can explain the issues that could arise in determining custody and how to work through them.

Modifying Arrangements

To modify physical custody decisions, there has to be a material change in circumstance that affects the well-being of the children. This means that circumstances have changed since the original agreement was put into place. For example, if a parent moved far away or lost a job.

If they determine there is a material change, the court considers the best interest of the children in putting a new physical custody arrangement in place. However, if both parents agree they want to change the physical custody agreement, they could reach a new agreement together modify the order that way.

An Alpharetta Physical Custody Attorney Can be a Guide

Especially when both parents want to take an active role in their children’s lives, determining physical custody can be contentious. Both parents may believe they know what is best for the children and may disagree about what that is. When that is the case, working with a dedicated team of Alpharetta physical custody lawyers can help you avoid unnecessary issues.

An attorney can guide you through the process to reach an arrangement that is best for you and your children. To learn more about how an attorney can help, call today and speak with a member of our team.

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