Tips for Lowering the Costs of Divorce

One of the most stressful aspects of deciding to end a marriage is preparing for the expense of divorce. This process can be costly both in terms of money and time. For some people, it involves months of their lives and thousands of dollars to resolve their divorce case.

Given these high stakes, limiting expenses whenever possible is a good idea. In some instances, a few good decisions could save time and money while still securing a fair outcome in the divorce process. Let our dedicated divorce attorneys provide you with individualized tips for lowering the costs of divorce during a private meeting.

Consider Alternative Dispute Methods

The high cost associated with the dissolution of marriage is often due to the nature of divorce litigation. This process is at its most expensive when a case is litigated for years before ultimately going to trial. The good news is that there are alternatives to traditional divorce that can dramatically lower the cost.

One of these options is divorce mediation. Mediation can occur before filing a divorce petition or at any point in the process. Unlike a trial, mediation involves the spouses sitting down with a neutral mediator to reach a settlement. This approach often results in a negotiated decree both sides are comfortable with.

Organize Your Records

While it is your attorney’s job to handle every aspect of a divorce case, putting them in the best position to help is vital. This starts with compiling all of the necessary financial records.

To be effective, your divorce attorney must clearly understand you and your spouse’s financial position. The more time your attorney must take organizing records or asking for bank statements, the higher the cost bill will be. Providing organized records upfront is a good way to save time and money.

Understand What an Attorney Costs

Every attorney has their own way of billing their clients. Understanding how an attorney intends to bill for their services is essential to keeping the costs low. Some attorneys bill by the hour, which is common in divorce cases. However, there are other factors to keep in mind that could cause these costs to balloon.

For example, one of the ways costs can spiral out of control is when an attorney performs far more work than the client expected. Limiting the number of hours an attorney can put into a case without approval is helpful.

List Everything You Agree On

Many spouses can find common ground in a divorce. Even when the end of a relationship is rocky, it is not unusual for a couple to see eye-to-eye on issues like child custody or the division of certain assets.

Creating a list of things the sides agree on can help an attorney understand what to focus on. This can save the amount of time needed to work on a divorce case. Every hour you save the attorney is an hour they do not have to bill for.

Talk to an Attorney About Saving Money on a Divorce Filing

Saving money is important, but what really matters is finding legal counsel who will protect you throughout the divorce process. Contact our firm to discuss tips for lowering the cost of divorce while still receiving excellent legal guidance.

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Sara Khaki
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