Divorcing a Narcissist in Roswell

A person with narcissistic tendencies is difficult to live with. It is not surprising that their marriages often end in divorce.

If you are considering divorcing a narcissist in Roswell, ensure you are prepared for an ordeal. All divorces are stressful, but a narcissistic spouse will do all they can to make the process as difficult for you as possible.

Do not allow the narcissist to deprive you of the opportunity to be free and move forward. Working with an aggressive divorce attorney can ensure you achieve your goals and are well-positioned for a fulfilling life after divorce.

Shore Up the Support System for You and Your Children

A narcissist is likely to see a divorce as a failure, and they will refuse to take any responsibility for it. They will attribute any problems in the relationship to you and may disparage you to your face as well as to your children, friends, colleagues, and family members.

The importance of a strong emotional support system cannot be overstated. Confide in the loved ones you can count on to be on your side and try to detach from the others. If you do not have a counselor or therapist, try to find one before you file for divorce. They can serve as a sounding board and help you develop strategies to counter the narcissist’s behavior.

Make sure your children have the support they need. An experienced Roswell narcissistic divorce lawyer may be able to recommend a counselor or therapist who specializes in guiding children through divorce and the grief they experience as their family breaks transitions. Do your best to reassure them that they had nothing to do with the breakup and they remain your priority.

Be Diligent About Safety

Narcissists are often emotionally abusive and are sometimes physically abusive. Keeping yourself and your children safe is critical.

If your spouse is engaging in intimidation, coercion, or abuse, report it to your attorney, who will ensure the court is aware. It is completely appropriate to insist that all communication go through the attorneys to limit contact.

Get Your Finances in Order

Money is power, and narcissists love power. If they control the family finances, they may use access to money to control or punish you.

Do what you can to prevent this before filing for divorce. If you do not have a bank account in your own name, get one and fund it as generously as you can. If the narcissist cuts off your money, you could use it to tide you over until your attorney can inform the court and get an order providing funds.

Do some investigatory work if possible. Try to get an accurate sense of all your family’s holdings and debts so that you understand how much property will be divided in the divorce. Narcissists are well-known for delaying compliance with financial disclosure obligations and trying to fraudulently hide assets.

Be Ready for the Long Haul

Almost everyone seeking a divorce hopes it will be over as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, a quick proceeding is rarely possible when divorcing a narcissist.

A narcissist typically will delay producing documents or produce only some of the information required. They often make unreasonable demands or may agree to something and then renege at the last minute. Narcissists love seizing control and creating drama, and a divorce gives them ample opportunity.

Our skilled attorneys in Roswell know how to counter these tactics to ensure the non-narcissist spouse gets a fair property settlement and the custody arrangements they desire. However, this often means bringing the issues before a judge at trial—mediated settlements rarely hold when a narcissist is involved. You must be prepared to be patient and allow the legal professional to fight to achieve your goals.

Work With an Experienced Roswell Attorney When Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorcing a narcissist in Roswell may be even more challenging than being married to one. However, the freedom to live your life on your terms after the divorce makes it worth it.

Protect yourself and your children from the narcissist’s manipulation and abuse by working with a family attorney who is not afraid to fight. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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