Roswell High-Asset Divorce Lawyer

Divorce can be a stressful and challenging experience, even when both partners agree that getting divorced is the best decision for them. However, when there are a lot of assets involved, the process can become even more complicated and emotional. In these situations, individuals should consider working with a Roswell high-asset divorce lawyer. Our well-trained divorce attorneys can help individuals going through a high-asset divorce learn about their rights, stand by their side through the legal process, and fight for the fair outcome they deserve.

What Is a High-Asset Divorce?

A high-asset divorce involves multiple high-value assets that need to be valued separately. As a result, it is not unusual for couples to experience disagreements regarding the division of property, as well as issues related to alimony and child support. Additionally, tax implications may also pose a challenge.

Although high-asset divorces follow a similar process to normal divorces, they can be more complex due to the assets involved. The stakes are much higher and it is crucial to accurately identify all assets as marital or non-marital property to ensure the split is fair, under Georgia law. It will be critical to work with a skilled Roswell high-asset divorce attorney when significant wealth is on the line.

Examples of Assets to Consider

Divorces in this category tend to involve several million dollars’ worth of assets. These assets can include things such as:

  • Business ownership;
  • Stock voting rights;
  • Stock ownership;
  • Trust assets;
  • Real estate;
  • Investment and savings accounts;
  • Retirement accounts.

Fortunately, working with an experienced attorney can help you understand how Roswell’s divorce laws apply to you and can shed some light on what the court is looking for when splitting high-value property.

Complications With High-Value Property Divorces

Regardless of how much money a couple has, together or individually, the same laws apply to divorce. However, those engaging in a high net-worth divorce may have issues with things such as alimony and child support. As a result, the process may take longer to complete, and support may be calculated differently because of the amount of income each spouse generates.

Another challenge when it comes to high-asset divorces is that the public can easily find information about it, especially if the couple is well-known. In Georgia, very few records are sealed, which means anyone can investigate the details of a divorce.

Finally, one of the most apparent issues that makes these cases more complicated than a regular divorce is there will likely be more assets to locate and disburse. This can pose issues when it comes to asset division, especially if one spouse tries to hide assets from the other. However, an experienced Roswell high-asset divorce attorney can help take on each of these challenges and develop strategies to combat the problems that may lie ahead.

Contact a Skilled Roswell High-Asset Divorce Attorney Today

Working with an attorney on your marriage dissolution means working with a legal professional who has experience in a broad range of legal and financial issues, has access to professionals and experts who can help uncover important details regarding the case, and understands Georgia’s family and divorce laws. We can provide the skilled legal representation that you need for a positive outcome.

For further information about how to protect assets during these legal proceedings, contact a Roswell high-asset divorce lawyer today and learn more about how our legal team can fight for equitable distribution.

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