Buckhead SSI Claims

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, can provide essential monetary benefits and Medicaid to those who are unable to work because of a mental or physical disability. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains an intricate application process that you must follow in order to obtain SSI. While it is possible that an initial application will succeed, an appeal is often necessary.

Buckhead SSI claims involve the submission of detailed information about your health, work history, and finances. A well-versed Social Security disability law firm can help you gather this information, submit it in an organized way, and guide you through the entire SSI claims process.

Stages of an SSI Claim

A person may begin an SSI claim by either visiting their local Social Security office or by completing an online application. In either case, it is important to provide detailed information requested by the application, such as personally-identifying data like a Social Security number, medical history, asset documentation, and work history.

Even if a person provides this information to the best of their ability, it is likely that the SSA will deny their claim because many applicants do not suffer from one of the listed conditions that automatically qualify them for SSI. Instead, it is usually necessary for claimants to demonstrate that they suffer from a condition that has lasted at least 12 months or is likely to result in death. Furthermore, they need to prove that this condition prevents them from working a full-time job.

This process often requires multiple appeals, as a claimant’s best chance for success involves attending a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge where applicants and their disability representative can present evidence in-person to neutral third party. This multifaceted Buckhead SSI claims process can take up to two years to resolve.

Potential Benefits After a Successful Claim

The SSA provides monthly income to SSI recipients. The amount varies slightly every year with the Cost of Living Adjustment; for 2019, SSI benefits are $771 per month. A successful SSI claim will also automatically enroll an applicant in Medicaid. Additionally, there are multiple state programs available in Buckhead such as food stamps that can help SSI recipients make ends meet. It follows that a successful Buckhead SSI claim can make a substantial difference in a family’s finances.

Let an Attorney Help You Pursue Buckhead SSI Claims

SSI can be an essential part of a family’s income. If any member of your family is unable to work because of a mental or physical disability, SSI can provide monetary benefits as well as Medicaid. This applies to adults without a work history, those who have held a job all their lives, and even children.

However, obtaining medical records, providing information about your work history, and proving that your assets do not exceed the mandated limits may be difficult without qualified legal counsel. A skilled disability attorney can help you demonstrate your case according to the SSA’s legal requirements, gather and submit necessary evidence, and pursue any necessary appeals to keep your claim moving forward. Call today to learn more about Buckhead SSI claims.

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