Buckhead Social Security Lawyer

The process of applying for Social Security benefits is complex, and those who file their initial claim without legal aid often receive a denial letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This is an avoidable mistake, but it could also be a disastrous one if you need disability benefits to maintain your standard of living.

If you were denied benefits by the SSA, you can pursue an appeal with the help of our team of legal experts. Consult with a Buckhead Social Security lawyer to learn more about your options.


Many people do not know the difference between Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSI is meant for low-income people who have worked in the past, children in low-income households, and those with disabilities. To obtain SSI, applicants must meet strict income requirements.

Similarly, for SSI, SSDI applicants must have worked in the past, but there are no associated income requirements. Regardless of whether a person earns $10 million or $10,000 a year, they can qualify for multiple types of benefits as long as they meet the Social Security Administration’s disability standards.

To receive SSDI, a person must suffer from a disability that has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months. Understanding the difference between these programs is crucial to obtain the maximum amount of benefits from either program.

If a married recipient of SSDI passes away, their widowed spouse would be entitled to the same benefits if they are at least 50 years old and become disabled within a certain amount of time after their spouse’s death. Disabled adult children whose parents or caretakers are deceased would also be entitled to their benefits if they become disabled before age 22.

There are also additional benefits available to the blind. A Buckhead attorney can help claimants discern which Social Security disability program to pursue for the outcome that would best fit their circumstances.

Filing a Claim for Social Security Benefits

A person who sustains an injury or develops an illness that prevents them from working may be able to obtain SSDI benefits if they meet the requirements. Many people receive short-term disability benefits from their employer for up to 12 months, after which they can apply for government assistance.

Applicants are required to submit personal information during the application process, as well as medical documentation to prove they are disabled. Afterward, the Social Security Administration would evaluate their condition and either award a disability rating or deny the application altogether.

How to Handle a Claim Denial

Claimants who submit sufficient medical evidence and meet the requirements may still be denied the first time for a variety of reasons. While this can be disheartening, applicants have the right to appeal denials if they do not agree with the Social Security Administration’s evaluation. A Social Security lawyer in Buckhead can help those who have received denials pursue appeals and potentially receive monthly benefits in addition to any past benefits owed to them

Get in Touch with a Buckhead Social Security Attorney Today

The SSDI claims process can be cumbersome, and if you file without assistance from skilled legal counsel, your claim is likely to be denied the first time. You may be confused or frustrated if your initial claim for SSDI was denied, but you should not give up your pursuit of the benefits you need. Whether you are seeking benefits for the first time or you have already received a denial letter, call a Buckhead Social Security lawyer today if you are ready to pursue the benefits you deserve.

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