Buckhead SSI Application Process

The process for obtaining Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Buckhead can confuse and frustrate many applicants. The legal requirements for a valid SSI claim are very detailed and may require assistance from a qualified disability attorney to understand.

It is also often necessary for people to submit multiple appeals and attend a judge’s hearing before obtaining the income benefits they need. This process can take over two years from the date of an initial application. As a result, understanding the Buckhead SSI application process before filing a claim offers an applicant the best chance for success.

Filing a Claim for SSI

Applicants can start a claim by making an appointment at their local Social Security office for an in person or phone meeting, and a portion of the application can be completed by online form. In either case, claimants will need to provide information about their medical, work, and financial history as well as some personally identifying data.

Once an application is complete, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will decide whether to award SSI within three to five months. An approved application will provide information on how to collect benefits, but it is much more likely that the SSA will deny an initial claim. Receiving a denial does not mean the end of a claim, but the applicant would need to pursue an appeal to challenge the SSA’s decision.

Available Appellate Paths

Once a person receives a denial letter, they have 60 days to file an appeal. Requesting an appeal is very similar to an initial application. However, it also gives a claimant the chance to submit up-to-date medical records and provide clarification of any problems that may have caused their initial denial.

Although, an initial appeal is also unlikely to yield SSI, because the SSA officer who denied the claim may be reluctant to change their mind.

Fortunately, a denial of an appeal still does not mean that a case has failed. In fact, filing a second appeal is often a claimant’s best chance for obtaining SSI benefits. This is because the second appeal triggers a request for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. While their hearing is pending, applicants should continue to visit their doctors, complete any additional paperwork required by the SSA, and remain up to date on their medications.

A Hearing Before a Judge

All applicants have the right to request a hearing, regardless of the reasons for their previous denials. During a hearing, an Administrative Law Judge considers a case from a fresh perspective, meaning they do not need to follow the findings of the SSA officer, and can make their own decision about whether a claimant is eligible for SSI. A claimant must appear in person and can hire an experienced hearing claims advocate to help present their case. Requesting a Judge’s hearing is typically the most successful part of the Buckhead SSI application process.

Ask an Attorney About the Buckhead SSI Application Process

Understanding the Buckhead SSI application process can increase your chances for success from an early stage. If you can provide accurate information about your health, work history, and current financial status, you may receive SSI from your first application.

An attorney can help you during every stage of the SSI application process if your claim is unsuccessful. Get in touch with our Social Security disability law firm today to discuss your SSI application.

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