What is the Georgia Uniform Mediation Act?

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Feb 1, 2022 | Sara Khaki

Mediation is used in many family law cases in Georgia. In fact, statistics show that more families are voluntarily choosing to mediate their contested issues, meaning more cases are being settled out of court as opposed to going to trial.

Over the years, Georgia’s court system has ordered and hosted mediation sessions in which confidentiality, immunity, and mediator impartiality serve as protection for all parties. However, many mediations take place outside of the judicial system. This led the Atlanta International Arbitration Society to address the issues in mediation when it comes to what many call “private parties.”

After extensive research, the Georgia Uniform Mediation Act was adopted to address these concerns regarding mediation and ensure protection in all Georgia family law cases. This is also applicable to both domestic and international cases that need mediation in the State of Georgia.

What Happens during Mediation in Georgia?

Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution that requires a mediator to facilitate a productive conversation between the parties involved. It is the mediator’s goal to help parties communicate amicably and find a solution that solves their dispute and works for everyone involved.

A Closer Look at the Georgia Uniform Mediation Act

The Atlanta International Arbitration Society worked over several years to ensure the passage of the Georgia Uniform Mediation Act and educate those who would be involved, such as stakeholders and other groups wanting to know more about it.

The State Bar and the Board of Governors in Georgia added to their legislative the Georgia Uniform Mediation Act, which was ultimately passed in 2021 with bi-partisan support. It became effective on July 1st of 2021.

Mediation in Georgia Going Forward

The current trend prediction is that mediation will become more popular during the times of COVID-19 due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and the fact that litigation can be quite expensive. More and more parties to family law cases in Georgia are willing to reach an agreement by listening to one another and compromising on conflicts with a mediator.

Call and ask our firm about the potential benefits of mediation in your family law case.

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