The Ultimate Halloween Treat!

group of kids playing trick or treat 
Oct 11, 2019 | Sara Khaki

3 Co-Parenting Tips to Keep in Mind This Month

What is the trick to making this Halloween a stress-free and fun celebration as a divorced parent? Treating your little ones to a holiday all about putting them first! You and your former spouse can take several steps to ensure your kids’ Halloween stays just as exciting (if not more exciting) than it was when you were a couple. As you start shopping for the perfect house decorations and costumes, keep the following tips in mind!

Consult the Parenting Plan

Does your parent plan account for Halloween? Even if you and your ex decided to alternate whom your kids spend Halloween with, perhaps you can discuss a schedule rearrangement to ensure they get to see both parents for some good old-fashioned trick-or-treating fun.

Separate or Blended Parties

While the idea of walking through the neighborhood with your former spouse and your new girlfriend/boyfriend might sound awkward (and let’s face it, it probably will be), it sends a wonderful message to your kids. It lets them know their parents can put all issues and concerns aside in favor of their own happiness and well-being. Even if your situation doesn’t allow for a blended celebration, you can schedule the evening so your kids get to trick-or-treat with both parents in separate neighborhoods. Double the houses? Double the candy!

Keep Your Chin Up

If you’re simply unable to work out a plan that allows for the kids to spend the night with both parents, then chances are you’ll have to spend Halloween alone — if not this year, then the next. When this happens, try to avoid letting your kids see your disappointment. They’ll feel guilty for leaving you alone, which can put a real damper on their fun. If you know they’ll be out of the house this Halloween, try to spend the evening with a friend or two, so you’re not alone.

Halloween as a single parent doesn’t have to be scary. If you aren’t sure what your custody agreement says about this holiday, need to make changes, or just want a little more support to make this Halloween better than ever, don’t hesitate to let our team know!

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