Recognition of Our Mission Means the World to Us

members of the team with an award, standing infront of the 500 law firm banner
Dec 18, 2019 | Sara Khaki

Winner of the Law Firm 500 Award

It is my absolute pleasure to share that Atlanta Divorce Law Group was named Law Firm 500’s fastest-growing law firm in the country at this year’s conference! We’re completely honored and humbled to have received this award. The committee analyzed our growth over the last three years and discovered that we’ve experienced an incredible 1,477 percent increase during that time. But it’s about so much more than numbers. This award is given to a firm that also consistently provides true value to its clients and community, and that’s the true reason we’re so honored to accept this accolade.

Every year, the Law Firm 500 award goes to a firm that is growing quickly as a result of continued operational excellence and commitment to its mission. We know this decision isn’t made lightly, and the committee gathers their research from an array of resources, including other professionals we work in conjunction with. So we also want to say thank you to all the counselors, therapists, and other attorneys who believed in us and were willing to provide a recommendation on our behalf. It means the world to know you stand by us and support our mission to create healthy, happy families after they’ve gone through a challenging time in their lives.

Since the inception of the Atlanta Divorce Law Group, our trademark has been Happily Ever After Divorce, and that’s something we truly live and work by every single day. We’ve built and designed our firm around a vision and an impact we want to make. We go beyond simply providing legal services to our clients. We examine the ways everyone is impacted by divorce — not only husbands and wives but also children, grandparents, and extended family members. Our mission has always been to put divorce in a positive light, rather than portraying it as something that can tear a family apart. It’s important to remember that divorce happens for a reason, and when that choice is made, it’s to make repairs, not break hearts.

We often see divorce attorneys take a stance that is polarizing. Instead, we view these circumstances as a chance to challenge the status quo. During a divorce, your life might seem like it’s being divided into a rigid battle between two opposing sides. “Us versus them” is a common mindset to have when you enter the room. But we don’t want to pick sides and pit parties against one another, because past experience has shown us that it simply doesn’t lead to healthy outcomes. Our goal is to come to a conclusion by means that are productive and enhance your life. Divorce should never be viewed as an ending to life as you know it. Instead, it’s an opportunity to repair, grow, and, above all, find happiness again. We instill our clients with the mindset that this change is good, and it should be used as an opportunity to live life to the fullest.

This mindset, our growth, and the Law Firm 500 award could not have been achieved without the work of the entire team at Atlanta Divorce Law Group. Each and every one of the women I work with provides outstanding services to our clients, and they work hard every day to improve lives. I am so humbled and honored to work with such a fantastic team, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our firm and for all our clients looking to live happily ever after divorce.

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Atlanta Divorce Law Group

Sara Khaki
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