ADLG’s ‘Big Little Lies’ Series: Season 2, Episode 1 Recap

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Jan 23, 2020 | Sara Khaki

Divorce Law Theme: Mindset

In 2019, the ADLG team featured a new blog series to deep dive into the hit TV show “Big Little Lies” and analyze the family themes it addresses. We took a break from the show in the December edition of our newsletter, but we’re back to recapping the show for you here. Below is our take on the first episode of the second season, “What Have They Done?”

After the Season 1 finale cliffhanger, fans assumed there was no room for a Season 2. The dramatic story-line of five women who band together to navigate their hardships seemed to have run its course. But the second season takes a poignant look at the aftermath of the last moments of Season 1 and shows how each of the Monterey Five is holding up. We think this speaks to an important aspect of divorced life: When all the proceedings are done and the last decisions have been made, life might seem like it’s ending, but it’s not. It’s beginning anew.

ADLG’s theme for January is all about vision, mindset, and how managing both is important for leading the new life you want after your divorce. The death of Perry at the end of Season 1 is certainly a big change for every single woman, even if they may not have been as directly involved as Bonnie was. But his death and the subsequent cover-up forces everyone to rethink how they’re going to navigate their lives now that things are so different.

At ADLG, we emphasize that by going through divorce, you are giving yourself a new lease on life. It is not the end of life as you know it, but rather the beginning of life as you envision it. Taking steps to figure out how you’ll navigate that change is part of the process.

No matter how complex your struggle may seem, give our team a call, tell us your story, and we’ll do everything we can to help you. In the meantime, get captivated by Season 2 of “Big Little Lies.”

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Sara Khaki
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