Alternative Payment Methods for Atlanta Divorces

There are many alternative payment methods for Atlanta divorces. Many people think they have to pay with cash or debit card.  We consider all family law matters to be a financial investment in the future.  Spending some money now may also protect from errors or issues that arise later and cost even more money.  That being said, it may require people to consider alternative financial sources to fund their divorce or other family law matter. Our team will work with each client to create a budget and have a realistic idea of the cost so they can plan properly and aren’t surprised by the legal fees.

Most people use multiple credit cards.  Some often open more than one card so they have the resources to make pay their legal fees.  We’ve had clients who take out a loan in order to cover the cost as well.  Loans tend to have a lower interest rate than credit cards which can be helpful if one can’t make the full credit card payment each month.  Many people ask family and friends for help.  Most often they work out a way for the money to be paid back over time once the person is back on their feet.  This often eases the financial burden our clients feel as they know they don’t have to pay it back while they are also going through one of the most stressful times in their life.

In rare occasions, some clients are awarded attorney’s fees. Click here to learn more about this process

Protecting Our Client’s Financial Situations

Our responsibility is to help our clients successfully transition to the next chapter in their life.  A big part of this is ensuring their financial security. One way we do this is by creating a budget with our clients to help them plan accordingly.  It also helps them stay focused on what’s important.  Is something really worth the time and money? If it’s not, then our team of attorneys and paralegals encourages our clients to stay focused on what is important and spend the time and money achieving that goal.

Our firm seeks to avoid creating a financial burden for our clients which is why we stay in touch, help them find alternative payment methods for Atlanta divorces, communicate regularly, and stay true to the budget to protect them from any further debt.

Motion for Attorney’s Fees

Claimants may request a motion for attorney’s fees before a judge. There are certain circumstances which would warrant the courts to award attorney’s fees as part of a claimant’s compensatory award. However, this is not guaranteed and fairly rare, so claimants are encouraged to explore other alternative payment methods for Atlanta divorces.These motions involve drafting a document which requests that a judge requires one party to pay a portion or all of the other party’s legal fees. Claimants typically do not ask for compensation of all their attorney’s fees, rather they usually ask for a certain amount. A judge may take 30 to 45 days to sign a motion for legal fees.This option is generally reserved for those who have a substantial discrepancy in their pay and cannot pay for their legal fees and have no alternative resources to do so either.  If they are capable of working, have other funding, or things of that nature, they most likely will not be awarded any attorney fees.

Claimants who would be left unable to financially support themselves once the family law matter is over could also benefit from a motion for attorney’s fees; however, it’s the attorney’s responsibility to fight for what’s fair and reasonable during the case to ensure our client is financially supported for their basic needs for at least a short period of time until they are in a position to support themselves. Alternative payment methods for Atlanta divorces also include motions for interim attorney’s fees, which can be filed at any point during litigation. A final motion for legal fees must be filed within 30 days of a divorce’s conclusion. Otherwise, it would be declined.

Interim Motions

A motion for interim legal fees can be filed more than once during a case and in addition to a final motion but this is not a common occurrence and only going to be recommended by an attorney if the circumstances are dire. An attorney would draft a document which lists the reasons for a claimant’s request and submit it to a judge. Afterward, a brief would need to be drafted, which gives even more details about a client’s financial burden.

Once those documents are filed, a lawyer would submit an attorney’s fee affidavit which states their hourly rate and qualifications, the time spent on the case, and the cost that the client has incurred up to that point. It should include invoices and proof that the fees were actually incurred by the client. The opposing party has 30 days to respond with their own motion and brief. They can either deny the request or counter with their own requests for an award of legal fees from a client. At that point, a judge would consider both motions and make a legally binding decision. Attorney’s fees can be awarded directly to a claimant or their legal representation.

Call an Attorney for More Information on Alternative Payment Methods for Atlanta Divorces

Someone who is concerned about their ability to afford legal fees should ask about financials during their consultation. Contact us today to set up a consultation.

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Atlanta Divorce Law Group

Sara Khaki
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