Alpharetta Post-Divorce Disputes Lawyer

Couples who could not communicate well while married often find themselves equally frustrated with communications after divorce, because the need for communication does not end when a marriage is dissolved. Co-parents still need to talk about their children’s medical treatment, school schedules, and expenses. Ex-spouses who continue to run a business together may disagree on candidates or policies. Sometimes, they have to negotiate delicate arrangements with grandparents, special holiday or vacation requests, or issues that emerge when new spouses enter the scene.

Children keep getting older, and they may raise new challenges for parents to discuss, like asking for a car or international vacations. Additionally, questions arise, such as whether one party still has to pay the other alimony if they just doubled their income with a new job. Typically, questions such as this have answers within the divorce paperwork – alimony is firmly set for a certain number of years, for example, or one parent has legal custody and can make the decisions, or the business charter indicates who has the majority interest.

However, some arguments are bigger than what a couple can resolve on their own. For this reason, it can be beneficial to discuss your concerns with an Alpharetta post-divorce disputes lawyer on our team. One of our skilled divorce attorneys can assist you with any family law issue after divorce.

What Tends to Trigger Post-Divorce Disputes in Our Area?

After a divorce, tensions can remain high for a long time. The worst side of people tends to emerge during divorce litigation, leaving behind hurt feelings and dashed hopes. When circumstance suddenly change, that divorce paperwork does not solve all your problems like you hoped, yet it still feels impossible to work together as a team to make decisions.

At a time like this, new problems like health concerns, children’s discipline issues, a financial change, or having to move can overwhelm the fragile peace between you and your ex-spouse. Another common source of post-divorce disputes is watching your ex neglect or defy your court orders, perhaps by keeping the kids too long on visitation or by refusing to transfer title of property to you.

In any case, arguments like these can make life after divorce feel a lot like life during the marriage. They need resolution, and the chances are that you and your spouse may not have the tools to handle these disputes alone. That is what a good Alpharetta attorney is for: settling post-divorce disputes that arise after you thought you were finished and making life bearable going forward.

Post-Divorce Modifications

A divorce decree, though effective and thorough in its intended scope, is never going to be a rock-solid permanent guide for post-divorce life. It is actually a flexible instrument which is designed to respond to changes in the ex-spouses’ lives. It can also be responsive to issues that arise after divorce that challenge the adequacy of what was decreed.

For instance, suppose a couple that negotiated a parenting plan during the divorce now finds that the noncustodial parent isn’t exercising their weekend visitations, and the custodial parent wants higher child support to compensate. What can be done to remedy these disputes now that the divorce is final?

Regardless of the length of time since the previous, final divorce decree, either spouse may file a petition for a post-divorce modification if there is a significant change in the family’s circumstances. Additionally, the selection by a child 14 years or older of which home they wish to reside in constitutes a material change in circumstances that warrants a modification of the parenting plan (O.C.G.A. §19-9-3(a)(5). An Alpharetta post-divorce dispute attorney can help families understand their rights and legal options.

Call an Alpharetta Post-Divorce Dispute Attorney Today

When disputes arise that challenge the fabric of your divorce paperwork, it is time to consult with an attorney for help. For instance, if one spouse is failing to fulfill their visitation schedule. No matter what your ex says about it, you may be able to require that they fulfill their obligation or pay you additional child support to cover the additional time and expenses you have with the children.

Our team can sift through these emotional issues and find a fair solution. We can also advise you on when the conditions are right to modify child support orders, parenting plans, or file other protections. Having the feeling that something in your parenting plan or other orders is not matching up with real life is one signal that you may need the help of an Alpharetta post-divorce disputes lawyer, so call today.

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