Gwinnett Social Security Lawyer

No one likes to think about not being able to work and provide for themselves. This is natural and understandable, especially when you consider the high cost of living these days. Unfortunately, each year, countless hardworking individuals find themselves disabled and unable to work full-time. When this occurs, many workers turn to the Social Security disability benefits program.

Sadly, even after paying into the program through payroll taxes, many workers find they are denied benefits for ridiculous and obscure reasons. If you have been denied disability benefits, it may be helpful to consult a Gwinnett Social Security lawyer who can assist you. Let one of our experienced Social Security disability attorneys help you get the benefits you deserve.

What Social Security Benefits Are Available?

Workers in Gwinnett County pay into the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program throughout the course of their career, and if they become disabled, they will gain access to the benefits they need to replace their income. According to the Social Security Administration, a person is considered “disabled” if an illness or injury prevents them from earning an income as a full-time employee.

Individuals suffering from the following conditions and illnesses may be eligible for disability benefits:

Individuals with the conditions listed above are not the only ones eligible for SSDI, and it is important to understand that SSDI applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Alternatively, a blind or disabled person may qualify for Supplement Security Income (SSI) if they are unable to make ends meet and fall below a certain income threshold. The income limit will depend on how many dependents they have and how many people in their household are earning income.

Filing a Claim for Social Security Benefits in Gwinnett

Individuals can file a claim for Social Security benefits online, over the phone, or by mail. To obtain benefits, people injured and ill will need to submit medical proof as well as income information. When evaluating the application of an injured person, the SSA will examine the application itself, in addition to income tax statements, information from physicians and other medical professionals, the names of medications, and any other information it needs to make a decision.

When evaluating an application, the SSA will also consider whether a person is capable of working in another profession or adjusting to their current job. If the SSA does not believe a person deserves these benefits, it will send a Notice of Denial in the mail.

Common Reasons for a Denial

Unfortunately, most claims for Social Security disability in will be denied at first. This can be frustrating, but it is a normal part of the application process. The Social Security Administration often denies claims for the following reasons:

Disabled workers can file for a reconsideration after receiving an initial denial. During this stage, they will be allowed to submit additional medical evidence in their favor. If they receive another denial, they may need to speak with a Gwinnett County Social Security attorney who can represent them in an administrative hearing.

Learn More From a Gwinnett County Social Security Attorney

Feelings of despair and anger can begin to set in when you receive your first denial notice from the Social Security Administration. However, it is important to remember you do have legal options and the right to appeal the decision multiple times.

Get in touch with a Gwinnett County Social Security lawyer today to learn more. A member of our Social Security disability law firm can help you understand the process and determine your next steps to get the benefits you need.

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