Gwinnett SSI Lawyer

Certain individuals with low incomes and resources may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in some situations. However, the eligibility requirements to receive SSI could be complicated, and not everyone who applies for SSI meets the qualifications necessary to receive this monthly benefit from the federal government. Contact a proactive Gwinnett SSI lawyer, they could review your case and potentially research effective legal options.

When you face significant financial challenges as a person who is disabled, a Social Security disability representative can assist you in pursuing SSI benefits. Financial assistance through SSI could help improve your quality of life. Set up an appointment with our Social Security disability law firm and start working to find legal solutions that could help you secure the SSI benefits you need.

SSI Benefits and Recipients

SSI recipients in Gwinnett County could receive up to $750 per month in benefits, and couples up to $1,125 per month, depending on factors such as their monthly income, resources, and living arrangements. While some amounts of income and some assets may not count when it comes to determining SSI eligibility, countable income and resources affect the dollar amount of monthly SSI benefits made available to individual program participants.

Due to its limitations on income and resources, the SSI program primarily benefits individuals who not only have little or no income and resources but who also did not earn a sufficient number of work credits to qualify them for social security disability or retirement benefits. As a result, low-income disabled individuals who have never worked for significant periods of time throughout their lives may qualify for SSI benefits.

Can Children be SSI Beneficiaries?

Disabled children also may qualify for monthly SSI benefits based on their family’s household income, resources, and composition. In fact, some children may qualify for SSI from the time of their birth.

In order to be eligible for SSI in Gwinnett County, children typically must have at least one medically determinable physical or mental impairment that results in marked and severe functional limitations. Furthermore, this condition generally must have lasted or be expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death.

Redeterminations for SSI Benefits in Gwinnett

The Social Security Administration (SSA) generally conducts redeterminations of individuals’ SSI benefits at intervals that may range from one to six years. During a redetermination, the SSA commonly looks at the incomes, resources, and living arrangements of SSI recipients in order to make sure that they still qualify to receive benefits.

Additionally, when children receiving SSI become adults, the SSA frequently conducts a redetermination using the adult definition of disability rather than the definition for a child. The purpose of this redetermination is to determine whether children who are no longer underage are still eligible to receive SSI benefits as adults.

What are the Reporting Requirements for Receiving SSI Benefits?

Since monthly SSI benefits are directly tied to recipients’ incomes, including earnings and, sometimes, other household members’ earnings, SSI recipients generally have certain reporting requirements in order to maintain eligibility for SSI in Gwinnett County. Individuals who are receiving SSI and working typically must report all monthly gross earnings to the SSA. If they are receiving SSI and participating in the Ticket to Work Program, then they may need to report all earnings to their employment network or state vocational rehabilitation agency.

In some cases, SSI recipients may be required to report the income of third parties to the SSA. These reporting requirements often include:

SSI recipients also may need to report to the SSA if they start or stop working, if their incomes increase or decrease, if they start or stop working a second or third job, if they have work expenses related to their disability, or any work expenses if they are blind. An SSI lawyer in Gwinnett County could provide assistance with any or all of these actions as needed.

A Gwinnett County SSI Attorney May be Able to Help

If you or your child suffer from a long-term disability and are a low-income individual, you may be eligible for SSI benefits if you meet certain income and resource eligibility requirements. For more information about how you or a loved one might qualify for SSI benefits, contact a Gwinnett SSI lawyer for an evaluation of your particular situation. A disability claim attorney who is familiar with SSI cases could potentially help identify legal strategies that may address your benefits concerns.

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