Divorcing a Narcissist in Cumming

If you are married to a narcissist or someone with narcissistic tendencies, you know how unreasonable and selfish they can be. Their egos drive every decision, often with disastrous consequences.

Divorcing a narcissist is just as hard as living with one. You must be prepared for a fight because narcissists cannot compromise and must always win. Even if you long for an amicable parting and a swift resolution, it is almost impossible to accomplish when your spouse is a narcissist.

When you are considering divorcing a narcissist in Cumming, reach out to the experienced family law attorneys at our firm. We have considerable experience in high-conflict divorce. We can help you prepare for inevitable unpleasantness, fight for your rights, and ensure you leave your marriage well-prepared for a bright future.

Get a Handle on Your Finances

Narcissists need to be in control so they often assume the role of the household’s financial manager. When preparing to divorce, it is important for you to gain an accurate understanding of your financial position.

Make copies of statements from credit card companies, investments, mortgage holders, and all your household bills. If you do not get paper statements, try to get online access and take screenshots. However, do not put yourself at risk if your spouse might react violently if they discover you are collecting this information. Speak candidly about the situation to your Cumming narcissistic divorce attorney so they can take the necessary legal steps to ensure full financial disclosure.

A narcissistic spouse might cut off access to funds out of spite, so try to ensure you have enough cash for a month or two of expenses. If necessary, keep the money with a trusted friend or family member so you can be sure it will be available when you need it. A legal professional can go to court to force the spouse to provide access to funds, but in the meantime having some money set aside can reduce hardship until the court acts.

Shore Up Your Support System

A narcissistic spouse is likely to react angrily to divorce. They might act like the victim and try to turn others against you. There is little you can do to prevent this behavior but you can be prepared for it.

If you have trusted friends or family members, confide in them. Let them know you intend to seek a divorce and may need their support. Start seeing a therapist before filing if possible—a mental health professional can offer insight into your spouse’s reactions and brainstorm coping strategies with you.

Once you have filed for divorce, set firm ground rules with your spouse and enforce them. Be especially vigilant about policing your spouse’s behavior with your children. Take note of every violation of the rules by your narcissistic spouse and any attempt to inappropriately influence the children and report them to your Cumming attorney immediately.

Be Prepared for a Litigated Divorce

Almost all divorces settle before a trial, but litigated divorces are common when a narcissist is involved. Attempts at settlement fail because the narcissist makes unreasonable demands, refuses to compromise, or reneges on agreements.

The Official Code of Georgia §19-5-1 authorizes a judge to refer a divorce case to mediation or another form of alternate dispute resolution before scheduling a trial. Many couples settle their outstanding issues in mediation, but mediation is a bad fit for a narcissist. Skilled mediators will not allow them to dominate the proceedings which could make the narcissist angry and uncooperative. Even when a narcissist seems to agree to a settlement, they often will find a pretext for rejecting it when it is time to sign the papers.

If your spouse is a narcissist, it is best to be prepared for your divorce to be settled after a trial. Our Cumming narcissistic divorce attorneys will represent your interests skillfully and ensure you get the most favorable settlement possible in the circumstances.

Engage an Aggressive Cumming Attorney If You Are Divorcing a Narcissist

When you divorce someone with narcissistic tendencies, you must be prepared for difficult months ahead. Even if you work hard to keep the process amicable, a narcissist will look for ways to heighten the tension and drama.

You can make the process easier on yourself by being prepared and not taking your spouse’s outrageous behavior personally. Above all, you must work with an experienced divorce attorney who is comfortable fighting things out in court.

If you are divorcing a narcissist in Cumming, seek legal representation from our skilled and aggressive attorneys. Reach out today to set up an appointment.

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