What Do I Have to Report to Continue Receiving SSDI or SSI Benefits?

people pushing large house plant on wheels in foreground with moving truck in background
Dec 15, 2021 | Sara Khaki

Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits comes with a responsibility to report certain life changes, including changes to your address, taking a trip out of the country for at least 30 days, and more.

It is advisable to report any changes of this nature so you can retain your benefits. If you don’t report, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will cease your SSI, SSDI, and retirement benefits. Let a knowledgeable disability attorney assist you in filing a report to the SSA so you can keep your monthly benefits.

When Should I Submit a Change of Address to the SSA?

You are required to report significant changes in your life to the Social Security Administration before the final 10 days of the month in which the change occurred. Examples of life changes you are required to report include:

  • Address changes
  • Changes in income and resources
  • The deaths of any household members
  • Changes in marital and employment status
  • Eligibility for other benefits
  • Instances of being hospitalized or institutionalized
  • Trips outside of the US lasting more than 30 days
  • Any active criminal warrants
  • Improvement in the condition for which you are receiving benefits

What Happens if You Fail to Report?

Failing to report any changes to the SSA leads to fines due to the missed payment. This can also result in a reduced amount of benefit funds from what you were previously receiving. Falsified reporting is illegal and holds great consequences, it may terminate Social Security disability benefits for six months. Any further penalty would lead to the cessation of payments for up to two years.

How to Report Your Changes

Visiting the SSA’s website or calling 1-800-772-1213 are the most convenient ways to report your changes (on time). If you have difficulty hearing or are deaf, you can dial TTY 1-800-325-0778 to reach the SSA’s hotline for the hearing-impaired. You may also mail relevant information to a Social Security office in your jurisdiction or visit them in person.

SSI recipients may be able to use the SSI telephone Wage Reporting Service or the Wage Reporting app to conveniently report their changes so that they stay in compliance with the policies and retain their benefits.

What May Have Changed about the Social Security Reporting Process in Georgia

According to the Social Security Administration, as of October 13, 2021, SSDI and SSI benefits may increase by 5.9% in 2022. This is to keep up with the rise in the cost of living according to the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W). Essentially, this increase in payments is a direct result of inflation. To receive this payout, you must remain in compliance with the SSA’s reporting policy.

For more information in regards to your Social Security disability benefits, contact a knowledgeable attorney at our firm today.

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