Khaki Law Firm’s Goals for Improving the Social Security Disability Process

Improving Social Security Disability Process Lawyer
Feb 27, 2020 | Sara Khaki

It’s important to set goals that help us grow and move forward. As a firm, we regularly set annual goals, and this year, we want to share one of our 2020 goals that directly impacts our clients. Because past experiences are what guides us in making future goals, we thought it’d be appropriate to take a quick moment to reflect on 2019. Some of our proudest and most notable moments include:

We are so grateful to be a 2019 honoree for the second year in a row on the Law Firm 500’s Fastest Growing Law Firms in the U.S! The more we grow, the more we can achieve our #1 goal of helping clients navigate through the Social Security Disability maze by zealously advocating for them.

In addition, Hearing Advocate Patrice Callahan participating at the NOSSCR conference provided us an opportunity to learn more about what is currently going on within the Social Security Administration (SSA). She deepened her knowledge on various topics such as successfully cross-examining expert witnesses, an ethics session regarding claimants with mental disabilities, and learning more about how the SSA views the Veterans Administration disability/unemployable status in making their decision.

This information is extremely valuable, as it enables us to modify our processes and help us better prepare for hearings to effectively represent our clients. Lastly, having more favorable decisions means the lives of our clients are positively impacted with the biggest benefit being that they now have a steady, monthly income and access to medical coverage that they didn’t have before.

At the Khaki Law Firm, we are endlessly looking for new and innovative ways to better serve our clients. Our team is always attentive to every case, their details, and the timeline. Throughout 2019, we observed an unfortunate pattern: it takes extraordinarily too long for the SSA to release clients backpay and benefits. This creates an enormous financial burden for them, especially given they have already been waiting 2+ years.

This is not only financially inconvenient for our clients but creates an incredible amount of stress on an already high-stress process. In 2020, we are dedicating ourselves to remedy this to not only impact on our client’s lives but to evoke a larger change within the SSA. We want them to realize how highly flawed their systems and processes are for the disabled community. The solutions that we as a firm are implementing include:

  • Contacting SSA every day to inquire about our client’s backpay
  • Mailing formal letters to SSA every month regarding client’s backpay
  • Contacting the district congressmen and women of each county
  • Raising awareness through various platforms such as blogs, social media posts, and newsletters

The Khaki Law Firm is not in the business of just going through the motions of the Social Security Disability process. We are in the business of making a positive difference in our client’s lives, which is exactly why we are taking initiative and doing everything we can to bring light to this problem. We understand how truly overwhelming this all can be and want our clients to feel a sense of comfort and relief that someone is in their corner.

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