Cost of a Contested Atlanta Divorce

Divorce litigation can be frustrating and expensive. It may be difficult to discern how much your marriage dissolution will cost without help from a skilled divorce attorney. For clarity on how the cost of a contested Atlanta divorce can change depending on the circumstances of a case, get in touch with a seasoned legal professional today.

Defining a Contested Divorce

A contested divorce involves parties who have not agreed on every item in their divorce in regards to an equitable division of assets as well as parenting plans and child support when children are involved. Uncontested cases are extremely rare, as most people who think they have agreed to everything later discover that they have not considered certain things. For example, deciding who gets the kids on holidays, during even years versus odd years, and during summer breaks as well as determining what would happen if one parent gets remarried or moves away can lead to a lot of contention. Most uncontested divorces do not involve children.

Almost all divorces which must address assets and children are contested, which means that the parties thereto have not come to an agreement on everything. A divorce can be amicable and contested. Contested divorces require negotiations, wheres uncontested ones have no need for negotiation because everything is determined between the parties.

Costs of Contested Versus Uncontested Divorces

The cost of divorce varies tremendously between contested and uncontested cases. Amicable cases generally cost less, but the need for ongoing negotiations between parties can increase the cost of a contested Atlanta divorce.

Divorces which begin as uncontested could become contested if parties end up needing negotiation to address and issue. An extremely contentious divorce can cost more than $50,000, especially when there are high assets involved. An uncontested divorce is likely to cost much less but is rarely an option for most people.

The cost of a divorce depends on many factors, and every case is unique. There are many documents which attorneys must review in order to determine how much a case is going to cost. For instance, divorce expenses can range from $3,000 to $60,000.

An attorney would disclose an estimated cost after they design a budget during a strategy session. A lawyer could also let parties know whether their desired budget for litigation is realistic. However, qualified attorneys at the Atlanta Divorce Law Group typically provide estimates before they even leave a strategy session.

Most Expensive Aspects of a Contested Divorce in Atlanta

The most expensive aspects of divorce come from litigation. Going to court, appearing before a judge, and having a hearing or a final trial can increase the cost of a contested Atlanta divorce. For this reason, attorneys try to make things as amicable as possible through informal negotiations between the parties’ legal representation. If that does not work, they can go to mediation to decide marital issues, which can take anywhere from four to eight hours. If they do not settle by that point, the costs start to increase even more.

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Atlanta Divorce Law Group

Sara Khaki
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