Alpharetta SSDI Work Credit Requirements

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits to disabled adults through a program called SSDI. For those who meet the wide array of requirements set by the SSA, a monthly stipend is granted. However, applications are not automatically approved. Rather, applicants that apply need to provide significant documentation.

One of the requirements for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) involves working enough before the onset of disability. The applicant must have contributed a specific amount of payroll taxes to the Social Security system, which you can see on any pay stub under the “taxes deducted” category.

To better understand how to meet the Alpharetta SSDI work credit requirements, it is recommended to consult with a skilled advocate for the disabled who can provide detailed insight into what the SSA is looking for. Additionally, having a disability representative on your side may have an impact on the decision to overturn a denied SSDI application.

Work History and Work Credit Requirements

The SSA determines eligibility for SSDI by converting an applicant’s earnings into work credits that are applicable to future benefits. The amount of dollars it takes to earn a single work credit is calculated on an annual basis.

For the year 2021, an individual must earn a minimum of $1470 to be eligible for a quarter of coverage (QC), as succinctly stated by the Social Security Administration. Regardless of income, individuals cannot earn more than four work credits in a single year.

The older the applicant, the more work credits are needed to qualify for benefits. With that being said, there are two tests that the individual must pass: the recent work test and the duration of work test. These two tests play a pivotal role in obtaining SSDI.

The recent work test is broken into three different age groups: 31 or older, between 24 and 31, and under 24. The qualifications that members of these age groups must meet are:

Requirement to Work in SSA-Covered Jobs

One of the SSDI work credit requirements that applicants in Alpharetta should be aware of is that the individual must have worked in jobs covered by the Social Security Administration. Additionally, the applicant must also adhere to the following requirements:

Ask an Attorney about SSDI Work Credit Requirements in Alpharetta

With an influx of SSDI applications coming in on a daily basis, the chances of being approved initially is slim. However, by understanding the Alpharetta SSDI work credit requirements and other pertinent information relating to the process, the chances of success may rise. The team of disability representatives at our Social Security law firm can help you understand the process and the requirements you must meet to obtain SSDI. To learn more, call our Social Security disability attorneys today.

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