Can Men Receive Alimony After a Divorce?

dad helping his daughter get ready for school
Jun 27, 2022 | Sara Khaki

Going through a divorce is seldom easy for either party. Not only can it take an emotional toll, but there are times when your finances can also be affected. Luckily, there are specific laws and benefits in place – such as alimony – that could potentially help alleviate some of the monetary worries you might be having. An earnest family law attorney could help point you in the right direction.

What Is Alimony?

In the past, alimony has been commonly associated with the idea of divorced men making payments to support their ex-wives. However, in today’s modern world, more men are awarded alimony than in previous years.

Alimony, or spousal support, is a financial obligation that a court orders an individual to give to their spouse during their separation or after their divorce. Spousal support is not a way of equalizing a divorced couple’s financial situation. Instead, it is meant to help ensure that both parties can meet their monetary needs.

There are three types of alimony – temporary, which only lasts until the divorce is final; rehabilitative, which is meant to help the recipients transition to supporting themselves; and permanent support. Speaking with a qualified divorce lawyer could help determine if you are eligible to receive spousal support.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Alimony?

When a judge decides whether to order spousal support after divorce, they start by determining whether one spouse needs help and whether the other can provide that help.

Some of these considerations can include but are not limited to:

  • The couple’s standard of living during the marriage and whether or not both parties can uphold that standard following the divorce
  • Each person’s income, assets, and debts – including how property will be divided
  • Whether one spouse has a lower earning capacity than the other
  • If contributions were made from one spouse to the other’s training, education, or career advancement
  • If one of the individuals is (or was) a stay-at-home parent during the marriage
  • Whether or not one spouse supported the other completely, resulting in their lack of job or career regardless of if there were children in the marriage

The type of alimony you could potentially receive will depend on these factors and more.

Consult a Divorce Attorney

We understand that going through a dissolution of marriage can be a trying time for many reasons. Contact our team if you have depended on your partner financially and now have no idea how your bills will be paid after a divorce.

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