Marietta Contested Divorce Lawyer

When two divorcing spouses are unable to reach an agreement on important divorce-related issues, litigation might be the only answer. A contested divorce is essentially a lawsuit that determines the outcome of all significant points of contention during the dissolution of a marriage.

When you are facing the prospect of a contested divorce, you deserve an experienced attorney that will fight for your rights. Your case is important, and our legal counsel can guide you on what to expect at every turning point. Let a Marietta uncontested divorce lawyer from the Atlanta Divorce Law Group assist you during this trying time.

Common Contested Issues in a Divorce

Divorces are contested when underlying issues surrounding topics such as property rights or child custody are in dispute. If the spouses cannot reach an agreement on every issue in their divorce case, the family court will make the final decision. Our Marietta attorneys can help you navigate the contested divorce process.

Child Custody

Married couples involved in contested divorces are frequently at odds over the custody of their minor children. Child custody disputes cannot be resolved without the judge’s involvement.

Each parent has the right to seek custody and be heard at trial, but they are never guaranteed a relationship with the child. This is because the court has an obligation to act in the best interest of children regardless of the parent’s preferences.

Spousal Support

Spousal support—commonly known as alimony—is also a common point of contention during a divorce. Spousal support involves monetary payments to a former spouse for a determined amount of time. However, not every divorce will result in a spousal support award.

Property Division

Dividing marital property is often the most contentious aspect of a contested divorce. This can be true for couples with significant assets, but even disputes over sentimental belongings can be trying. Often, these disputes are centered on determining what marital property is worth versus what each spouse is entitled to keep.

Can Grounds for a Divorce Impact Terms of the Decree?

No two divorce cases are exactly alike. While the general process these cases go through is the same, each couple experiences a number of unique issues when they part ways. A Marietta attorney can help set expectations for a contested divorce.

Most of the time, the grounds for divorce are not central to a dispute between spouses. Instead, couples are typically at odds over the outcome of the divorce decree. However, it is worth noting that the grounds for divorce could come into play when it is time for the family court to decide on issues of child custody or property division. For example, allegations of abandonment or mental cruelty could impact these decisions.

Talk to a Marietta Contested Divorce Attorney Immediately

If you are facing the prospect of a contentious divorce, you have the right to hire an attorney. Your legal support could make the difference between a fair outcome and your worst-case scenario.

Do not put your future at risk by acting as your own legal representation. Reach out to a Marietta contested divorce lawyer from our firm right away.

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