If you are involved with a narcissist, you may know that one of their key traits is deriving pleasure from hurting another. If you have been the target of physically or emotionally abusive behavior, let one of our attorneys help you file and enforce a Georgia restraining order against a narcissistic abuser. Unfortunately, an abusive narcissist might resist that rejection and oppose any boundaries you set with an alarming sense of entitlement.
Requesting a restraining order may be a necessary and unavoidable step in your path to independence. It can be a difficult decision because you may still love your narcissistic partner. However, preventing them from contacting you can help stop the abuse from continuing.
When you have a narcissist as a partner, they may view you as their ‘prized possession’ and believe they have power over you. If you have tried to get the narcissist to leave you alone, but they continue to harass you, you may need to consider a restraining order.
When you seek a restraining order, your partner’s sense of control is jeopardized, causing them to become enraged at your desire for autonomy. They may then go on a mission to ‘make’ you accept them back into your life. Once a narcissist has decided that they will not let you go, they may not care about legal repercussions, making it more difficult to enforce a restraining order against them.
A restraining order is a legal tool used to prevent contact between a survivor and their abuser. In Georgia, you may obtain temporary emergency protection the same day you file for relief with the court without your narcissistic abuser being present.
To obtain a temporary protective order, you must file a petition in the Georgia Superior Court in the county where your abuser resides or in the county where you live if they do not reside in Georgia, per Official Code of Georgia Annotated §19-13-2. You must also prove that you have been harassed or abused and that you fear for your safety.
If the judge grants you temporary protection, it will generally last for 30 days. A court date will be set before the order’s expiration so that you may seek long-term protection if necessary. This second hearing gives the accused party an opportunity to appear in court and contest your abuse allegations. If you have questions about how to prove narcissistic abuse in court, our team of dedicated attorneys can help.
Once you have obtained a restraining order, it is essential to abide by its terms. A narcissistic abuser may tell you that they want to change and promise you that they will be kinder to you, get professional help, and do anything you ask. But remember, promises are not enough to keep you safe.
If you have a restraining order, you can call the police if your partner attempts to contact you. Allowing contact to take place without taking legal action in response may encourage a narcissist to continue their abusive behavior and ultimately discredit your petition for protection. If your narcissistic partner genuinely wants to change, they can start by respecting the restraining order and your boundaries.
If your narcissistic partner has subjected you to emotional and/or physical trauma and you have not found a way to stop the abuse, talk with an attorney from our firm about obtaining legal protection. Prohibiting all contact may be the best way to ensure your physical safety and emotional well-being. Call our intake team to learn more about whether filing and enforcing a Georgia restraining order against a narcissistic abuser is the solution for you.