Preparing for your Social Security Disability Interview:

Georgia Social Security Interview Lawyer
Mar 30, 2017 | Sara Khaki

What Will Be Asked

When you take the initial steps to apply for disability benefits, it is important to know what types of questions you can expect during the Social Security Disability interview.  Since this can feel like an overwhelming situation, we hope this will help you feel prepared and ready to go for your appointment.  The next couple of paragraphs address different types of questions you can expect in your interview.

Obviously, you are applying because you have a physical or mental condition that keeps you from working. The interviewers will ask you a series of questions regarding your condition(s).  You should be prepared to discuss what your conditions are, when they became disabling, and what specifically about the conditions stopped you from being able to work. It is even more beneficial to have the names, address, phone numbers, and dates of your visits to your doctors. You will be asked what medications you have been on and what medical tests you have had completed by your treating doctors.

They are also going to ask you about your work history, marital status, financials, and living arrangements.  It is important to have a date you last worked and where you have been receiving treatment.  You will also be asked your marital status and some specifics regarding your spouse’s income. If you are applying for supplemental security income, you will be asked additional information regarding your living arrangement. These questions usually focus on who is living there and your current household expenses. There will also be questions regarding your and your spouses incomes, resources, investments, vehicles, homes and bank accounts.

Although this process can be long and intimidating, it helps to be prepared and to know what to expect.  It is helpful to write as much of this stuff down before the interview, so you have it all in one place.  Having it in writing will also ensure that you have correct dates as well as correct contact information for your medical providers.  We highly recommend having this for your interview, not only for the reason listed above, but because it can help save some time by moving the interview along.  A lot of the questions you will be asked are typically asked of you by your attorney as well so save a copy of any information you provide your attorney’s office.

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