Preparing for Your Disability Hearing

Jul 26, 2019 | Sara Khaki

If you were denied social security disability (SSD) benefits on your first attempt, you may want to appeal the decision in court. To ensure a speedy process, you should arrive at your hearing ready and prepared to defend your case. For help with compiling all the evidence and material you need, get in touch with an experienced social security disability advocate.

Here you will find a guide to all of the items you need to prepare for your hearing and what you can expect when working with our firm throughout this process. At the Khaki Law Firm, we have the skill and experience you need to help prepare you for your hearing.

First, you should expect to have two pre-hearing conferences with our office. A paralegal can facilitate the first conference, which should last no longer than 45 minutes. The purpose of this meeting is to review the current exhibits, update medical records as needed, and complete the pre-hearing forms for the court. The goal is to have this meeting take place at least 75 days before your hearing, if not sooner.

At this step, it is crucial that you provide our office with updated medical records and care providers, as this will save you time if you review your case file to see which medical records you have already received. If you revisit your file, you can request relevant documents within the allotted time-frame. Additionally, a statement from your doctor can strengthen the evidence we provide on your behalf. These documents must be submitted at least five business days before a hearing if they are to be considered by a judge. It is important to request these documents as soon as possible in case of delays from your medical care provider.

The second conference with our office would be with the hearing representative at least three days before your hearing date. The goal of this meeting is to provide an overview of the hearing procedures and prepare you for your hearing testimony. On the day of your hearing, our firm asks that you arrive at the hearing office one hour before your scheduled hearing time.

If you have been denied social security disability and are beginning the process of appealing your case, do not hesitate to reach out to the attorneys at Khaki Law Firm, LLC to schedule your case evaluation today. Our attorneys have valuable experience with SSD cases and can help you successfully navigate the system.

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