Do I Have To Take a Parenting Class For My Divorce?

group of people at a meeting, woman raising hand
Nov 21, 2016 | Sara Khaki

Many states request, and some even require, that a parenting class is taken by both parents before a divorce is finalized by the judge.  Georgia requires both parents to take a parenting class.

Parenting classes are courses taken by parents to assist them in navigating through the divorce with their children.  These classes are required for all parents going through divorce and not intended to single anyone out as a “bad” parent.  It simply provides alternative methods of parenting through a divorce. These courses are for the benefit of the children and can only help parents be more involved and focus on what is best for the kids.  The course also provides tips on how to co-parent and co-exist.  Our team has helped hundreds of parents with children go through a divorce.  Every single parent has taken something of value away from this course.

Below are a few tips that parents have shared were valuable reminders of what to do and how to communicate with their children during and after divorce.  Honesty is the best policy, so keep the truth on the table.  Keep the conversation simple but not all the details need to be discussed.

  1. Keep in mind the age and mindset of your child when it comes to explaining specific details. You know your child better than anyone.  You know how to speak with them so they understand the situation.
  1. Children don’t need to know every detail. A 5 year old doesn’t understand what’s going on – only that daddy doesn’t live here anymore.  A 13 year old has a better understanding of what is happening, but you still don’t need to share all the details with them.
  1. As a single parent, you are going to have to find a routine and rhythm that works for you. It will be struggle in the beginning, but the reward is that your children will know that you are always there for them.
  1. If you notice an issue and the co-parenting isn’t working well, it might be best to address it via email with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. The kids won’t hear the discussion, and you have a paper trail just in case you need it.
  1. Tit-for-tat doesn’t work. Take the high ground and remember that you are the adult.
  1. Remember to be flexible. Letting your soon-to-be ex-spouse have a little wiggle room on time spent with the kids will help keep things calm.
  1. If you feel that a professional might be needed, whether for you and/or your family, let us know and we can give you referrals for family counselors and therapists.


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Sara Khaki
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