How Does the SSA Decide whether You Still Have a Qualifying Disability?

stack of binders full of paper
Aug 16, 2021 | Sara Khaki

In order to protect the integrity of Social Security benefit programs, disability reviews are performed regularly. The law requires the Social Security Administration (SSA) to review on a periodic basis the current medical conditions of all people receiving disability benefits to keep track of whether they are still eligible and in need of the compensation they’re receiving.

Continuing disability reviews are a way for the SSA to ensure that only those who are eligible receive disability benefits. Not only does this support the integrity of the Social Security system, but also promotes fairness for disabled workers, their families, wounded veterans, the chronically ill, and other individuals with disabling conditions.

What to Expect from the Social Security Disability Review Process

During the disability review process, the SSA will:

  • Gather new information about your medical condition;
  • Speak to your doctors, hospitals, and any other relevant sources to retrieve your medical records;
  • Review how your medical condition limits your daily activities; and
  • Review the results of any medical tests and what medical treatments you are receiving.

If additional information is needed, the SSA will contact you and set up a special examination or test.

What to do if Disability Benefits Are Terminated upon Review

If you disagree with the SSA’s decision on your claim, you have the right to appeal it. In your appeal, you can ask the SSA to review your impairment again. Information on how to appeal the decision will be included in the letter that the SSA sends to you about its decision to terminate your disability benefits.

If you or someone you love needs help during the disability review process, contact our intake team to schedule an appointment with one of the Social Security attorneys at The Khaki Law Firm.

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