Divorce Lawyers Atlanta, GA

Protect your rights and your family with a skilled attorney in Atlanta, GA. Call our Divorce Lawyers Atlanta GA office (678) 798-8078 office and get the best divorce lawyers on your side. 

Going through a divorce can be a challenging process that can affect you and your family’s lives in more than one way. You may have children together, marital assets, and you are both responsible for household debts.

A divorce is a legal process and a significant component of family law in Atlanta, GA. If you don’t have professional representation from an experienced attorney, you may not successfully sustain and protect your rights during the process.

We are a divorce attorney firm in Atlanta, GA with a collective 30 years of experience in helping clients with Georgia divorce cases. As divorce lawyers, we navigate clients through the divorce process while representing their rights and interests. We will also provide clients with all the information they need to make the best decisions for themselves and their children.

Learn more below about our family law solutions that you may need during a divorce. You can also contact us to schedule a consultation with an attorney.

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    Divorce Matters in Atlanta, GA

    Division of Assets

    The primary matter during divorce proceedings includes the division of property. The marital property that clients co-own with their spouses has to undergo a division process. There are many factors that determine if an asset is a pre-marital, marital, or individual property. Having an experienced divorce attorney help you determine what you are legally entitled to be critical to achieving the most successful outcome.

    The court in Atlanta, GA, follows an equitable approach and will not necessarily divide assets equally. When determining asset division, the court will take several factors into account, including the parties’ intent and conduct and the duration of the marriage.

    Child Custody

    Divorce Child Custody is a legal term that refers to guardianship and is another prominent family law matter. In most cases, the clients will agree to a joint custody agreement. However, if one party believes that the other is not fit to care for children, they may apply for sole custody. If you are involved in a family law dispute that involves custody, you need legal assistance from an Atlanta, GA attorney.

    The court will always take the best interests of the child into account before making a ruling in terms of custody. Factors that the court considers to determine the best interests of a child include, among other things, the emotional ties with parents, a parent’s financial situation, and the safety of a parent’s home environment.

    Some lawyers in the Atlanta area specializing in assisting the courts to determine the best interest of children. Atlanta Divorce Law Group attorneys are well-versed in child custody matters and have helped families work out parenting plans and custody arrangements that are in the best interest of the children.

    Child Support

    Child support is maintenance that a parent pays for the financial benefit of a child. Georgia divorce law makes provision for this type of support to pay for things like medical care, education, food, and clothing. Many family law lawyers focus on this component of Georgia divorce law, especially in the Atlanta area.

    Your child does not have to live with you in Atlanta, GA for you to pay support. Factors that the court takes into account to determine support include the health care costs in Atlanta, GA.

    It’s important to work with a family law attorney to determine what is the appropriate amount of child support as there are many factors considered when determining the final child support number.


    In Atlanta, GA, alimony is similar to child support, but instead of making payments for the benefit of a child, one party makes payments to support the other. The responsible party should typically make these payments from their separate estate.

    Alimony is typically an option if one spouse does not earn an income, but the court takes several factors into account to determine maintenance. One of these factors would be misconduct, for example, if a spouse had an extra-marital relationship.

    Clients who want to increase your claim for alimony including divorce costs need the help of a family law attorney as alimony is not a given in all family law divorce matters. Your attorney will advise you on what is fair and can be expected based on the specific circumstances of your case. If any alimony is awarded, the amount is determined based on the specific factors of your case.

    Filing for Divorce

    If you no longer foresee a happy marriage and feel you have done everything you can for your marriage, you have to follow a specific process to file for divorce in Atlanta, GA.

    Before filing for a divorce in Atlanta, GA, seek help from a divorce lawyer that practices family law to prevent the process from drawing out and to ensure a fair outcome.

    Contact Us – Divorce Lawyers Atlanta, GA

    If you want to file for a divorce in Atlanta, GA, you need the legal solutions from a divorce attorney who practices family law. We can help you through the entire divorce process while providing you with expert legal representation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

    Protect your rights and your family with a skilled attorney in Atlanta, GA. Call our Divorce Lawyers Atlanta GA office (678) 798-8078 office and get the best divorce lawyers on your side. 

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