Alpharetta Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Lawyer

You can never predict when a serious injury, illness, or other medical condition might suddenly destroy your ability to work and support your family. When this situation occurs, your first step may be to seek a source of financial support while you deal with your medical problems.

Depending on your situation, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may be a potential source of income for you. If you are seeking assistance with obtaining benefits, an Alpharetta SSI lawyer from our Social Security disability law firm may be able to help.

What is SSI?

Supplemental Security Income provides monthly benefits for disabled or blind adults, as well as for children who have limited income and assets. SSI may be available for adults who meet certain income eligibility requirements.

In some cases, individuals who have a sufficient amount of work history may be eligible for some Social Security Disability Insurance or Social Security retirement benefits in addition to SSI compensation. SSI, which is funded by general tax revenues as opposed to Social Security taxes, is meant to provide a basic means of subsistence for qualifying individuals.

SSI Eligibility

In addition to being disabled or blind, individuals typically must meet other requirements in order to qualify for SSI benefits. These eligibility requirements may include the following:

A qualified SSI disability attorney in Alpharetta will assist individuals in determining whether they are eligible for benefits.

Exempt Income and Assets for SSI Purposes

There are some types of income and assets that are exempt or not counted when evaluating individuals’ eligibility for SSI. For instance, the following types of income are not countable when calculating SSI eligibility:

Some resources are also not countable when evaluating someone’s eligibility for SSI, including their primary home and any land it is on, household goods and personal effects, burial spaces for individuals and immediate family members, burial funds valued at $1,500 or less, life insurance policies valued at $1,500 or less, and one vehicle regardless of its value.

What is the Maximum Amount for SSI Benefits?

The maximum federal SSI monthly benefit typically changes each year. As of January 1, 2020, the maximum monthly SSI benefit is $783/month for an individual and $1,175/month for a couple. If an applicant receives in-kind support and maintenance, which is food or shelter that someone else provides to the applicant, then monthly SSI benefits may be reduced as much as $277.00, depending on the value of the help that is received.

Call an Alpharetta SSI Attorney for Counsel and Advice

If you are disabled or blind, you may be eligible for monthly SSI benefits if you meet certain income and resource limits. You also may need to satisfy other criteria in order to be eligible for SSI.
If you are not sure that you are eligible for SSI, or if you apply for SSI and are denied, an Alpharetta SSI lawyer can assist you in determining whether SSI benefits are available for you. Call today to schedule a meeting with one of our team members. To learn more about Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, contact The Khaki Law Firm today.

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