Buckhead SSDI Benefits for Children and Spouse

When workers experience a disability that prevents them from continuing in the workforce, the disability impacts not only the worker but also the family members who rely on them for financial support. Therefore, the Social Security Disability Insurance program provides Buckhead SSDI benefits for children and spouses in addition to the benefits paid to the employee.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) may inform SSDI applicants when other family members are eligible to receive benefits on their work record. However, a hearing claims advocate who understands SSDI benefits can also help determine whether family members should qualify for benefits and assist with the application process.

Family Members Who Could Receive SSDI Benefits

The SSA provides disability benefits to workers who have paid into the insurance program through payroll taxes and who have a long-term disability that prevents them from working. When an employee establishes eligibility for themselves, their record may also enable certain family members to receive benefits.

Eligible family members who may obtain Buckhead SSDI benefits for children and spouse include:

There are specific qualifications to establish eligibility in each of these categories.

Benefits for Spouses and Ex-Spouses

Spouses and former spouses of workers eligible to collect SSDI benefits may themselves receive benefits if they meet certain requirements. A spouse must be 62 years old or be caring for a child of the eligible worker, and that child must be either under 16-years-old or disabled.

If a husband or wife receives Buckhead SSDI benefits for children and spouse because he or she is caring for a child aged 15 or younger, the benefits will stop when the child reaches 16, unless the husband or wife is aged 62 or older. A different age limit applies if the spouse is receiving benefits as a survivor rather than a living spouse of a worker receiving benefits. Spouses become eligible for survivor benefits when they reach age 60.

Divorced spouses may also receive benefits if they were married to the eligible worker for at least ten years. To collect benefits, a divorced spouse must be at least 62 years old and unmarried.

Benefits for Children

Children who may receive derivative SSDI benefits include adopted children and stepchildren as well as biological children. Dependent grandchildren may qualify as well. To receive Buckhead SSDI benefits for children and spouse, a child must meet either age or disability requirements.

A child under 18 is eligible for SSDI benefits based on a parent’s work and disability record. Children under age 20 are also eligible if they are still full-time students in high school or lower grades. Children of any age may receive derivative SSDI benefits if they have a disability that affected them before the age of 22.

More Information About Buckhead SSDI Benefits for Children and Spouses

There is a family maximum that affects the amount of Buckhead SSDI benefits for children and spouses. Each qualifying family member may receive up to 50 percent of the benefit amount received by the disabled worker. However, the total paid to a family is capped, so if several family members qualify for derivative benefits, they may receive an amount less than 50 percent of the eligible worker’s payments. Funds received by a divorced spouse will not count toward the family maximum.

The process of applying for and calculating the amounts of SSDI benefits for children and spouses can be complicated. If you are seeking benefits for family members, consider contacting a Social Security disability law firm for guidance.

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