Who’s Less Ready For ‘Back-To-School’?

group of kids running into school
Aug 30, 2019 | Sara Khaki

You or Your Kids?

Believe it or not, the first day of school is just around the corner, and while your kids may have been attending classes for quite some time now, new family dynamics can result in big struggles if not planned for properly. Whether you and your former spouse have been divorced for two months or two years, your kids continue to grow, and they’ll require new schedules that may not fit with current visiting arrangements. As parents, it’s up to us to try to keep up. To help, the team at ADLG has compiled a few tips to keep in mind in order to help your kids’ school year start off as smoothly as possible.

Split Cost of School Supplies

Once you know what supplies are required for your student’s grade, you have a few options. You and your spouse can split the list in half and take your child on separate shopping trips, or you can plan on a single trip and have one parent reimburse the other. Either way, acknowledging this aspect of the school readiness process is better than letting it sneak up on you and cause hurt feelings.

Make a Schedule (and Stick to It)

If you are part of a joint custody agreement, then making a schedule for which parent will pick up your kid(s) from school on which day of the week is of the utmost importance. Between after-school activities and frequently alternating houses and beds, establishing a routine prior to the first day of school can help reduce both your and your child’s stress.

Display a United Front

If your relationship permits it, aim to meet your kid’s teacher alongside your spouse. It demonstrates to the teacher both parents’ involvement and will establish a pattern of open communication. Additionally, if your child is participating in extracurricular activities in the evenings and on the weekends, don’t feel like you have to alternate attendance with your spouse. That’s not to say that you have to sit next to each other, of course.

Remember Who You’re Doing It For

There might be days when all the planning, scheduling, and even seeing your former spouse might feel overwhelming. During those trying times, remind yourself who are you doing all this for: your kids. If they don’t notice all the work you’re putting in now, trust us: they will someday soon!

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