Atlanta SSDI Claims

Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, helps disabled workers and their families make ends meet when a disability keeps them from earning income. SSDI is an insurance program funded by Social Security income taxes. In turn, when an employee suffers a medical condition that results in a long-term disability, the SSDI program may provide benefits to offset the income they lose.

However, Atlanta SSDI claims can be difficult to file successfully. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has strict eligibility guidelines and frequently denies claims. Fortunately, there are several opportunities to file an appeal when the SSA denies a claim. Many people find it helpful to seek the assistance of a steadfast SSDI attorney when filing claims or appealing denials.

Qualifying for SSDI Benefits

To receive SSDI benefits, workers must establish that they are unable to perform any type of gainful employment because of a disabling condition. The condition must be medically verifiable and expected to last at least a year or result in death.

For many applicants, the most challenging element of Atlanta SSDI claims is presenting sufficient evidence to meet the SSA’s disability standards. An experienced lawyer from our firm can help with this process by consulting with vocational experts and medical specialists.

Besides the disability requirements, SSDI applicants must also prove they have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a certain number of years. The amount of work credits a claimant needs depends on their age at the onset of their disability.

Filing an SSDI Claim

Many disabled workers can submit a claim online through the SSA’s website. Otherwise, they may file a claim in person at a local SSA office or over the phone. Appointments are recommended for telephone and in-person applications.

SSDI claims in Atlanta should be supported by medical documentation to establish the existence of a disability as well as how it negatively impacts the applicant’s ability to perform simple tasks such as standing, talking, concentrating, and sitting. Claimants need to demonstrate that they are not only unable to perform their prior jobs, but also any other types of available employment for which they are qualified.

What to Do When SSDI Claims are Denied

The SSA frequently denies Atlanta SSDI claims, but that does not signal the end of the claims process. Applicants have four opportunities to appeal the denial of a claim:

  1. SSA Reconsideration
  2. Administrative hearing
  3. Review by the SSA Appeals Council
  4. A lawsuit in federal court

Appeals must be undertaken in this order. For example, an applicant cannot skip SSA reconsideration and immediately request an administrative hearing. For help with the appellate process, it is best to enlist the services of a skilled hearing claims advocate from our legal team.

Call an Attorney for More Information About Atlanta SSDI Claims

In addition to disabled workers, SSDI benefits may also be available for their family members such as spouses and children. Even former spouses may obtain derivative SSDI benefits if they meet the requirements.

One or more denial from the SSA discourages many applicants after filing Atlanta SSDI claims. It is important to remember that a denial does not mean that you are not qualified to obtain SSDI benefits, rather it merely indicates that you failed to establish your qualifications.

Because of the challenges involved in demonstrating eligibility, many applicants find it helpful to work with a knowledgeable attorney during the process. A dedicated legal advocate can help you present your case in a clear and persuasive manner to meet SSA standards, so call our intake team today to get started.

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