Crabapple Child Support Lawyer

If you are divorcing from your child’s other parent and have questions about child support, you should consider calling an experienced family law attorney. From drafting an agreement to petitioning the court on your behalf, a Crabapple child support lawyer at our firm can help you succeed. Let our team help you understand your and your child’s legal rights and handle any negotiations or court proceedings.

Understanding Child Support with an Attorney’s Help

It is a child’s right to receive financial support from both parents. Divorced parents are therefore obligated to help cover basic child-care expenses such as food, clothing, and shelter, along with health insurance, and education expenses. Child support payments in Crabapple may also cover certain medical fees, extracurricular activities, and travel.

Local courts use an “Income Shares” model codified under Official Code of Georgia Annotated §§19-6-15–17 to determine a parent’s child support obligations. This model accounts for the following factors to calculate the amount of support one parent must pay to the other to cover child-care costs:

  • The incomes of both parents;
  • Parenting time;
  • Whether there is a foster care or permanency plan in place;
  • Health and life insurance;
  • Applicable tax credits;
  • Any spousal support payments;
  • Applicable mortgage payments;
  • Medical expenses;
  • Education expenses; and
  • Expenses related to travel.

Generally, the custodial parent (i.e., the parent with physical custody) receives child support from the non-custodial parent (i.e., the parent with visitation rights). Otherwise, it is a lawyer’s responsibility to prove that any deviation from this model would be in the child’s best interests.

How to Initiate Child Support Proceedings in Crabapple

Child support agreements are usually part of the divorce process. Otherwise, a parent may begin child support proceedings by contacting the state’s Department of Human Resources, Division of Child Support Services. In either case, one of our diligent attorneys can help parents in Crabapple take the necessary steps to obtain child support.

How to Enforce a Child Support Order

Child support payments must be made until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever happens later. Before then, the receiving party, whether a parent or legal guardian, may begin an enforcement action in the event of missed child support payments. Georgia’s Division of Child Support Services is responsible for enforcing child support orders if necessary.

If you are being accused of missing child support payments, a Crabapple lawyer can help clear your name and present evidence showcasing your record of timely payments.

Call a Crabapple Child Support Attorney at Our Firm

Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to receive, or have to pay, child support. Many factors can influence the outcome of a child support case, so it is often best to consult with a local lawyer before entering litigation or signing an agreement.

If you have questions at any point during this legal process, consider contacting a Crabapple child support lawyer. A knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate every step and answer your questions about state child support laws, so don’t hesitate to call us today.

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