Taking Care of Yourself During the Coronavirus

Georgia Care During COVID-19
Mar 26, 2020 | Sara Khaki

We understand that living with a disability can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining. These challenges can be magnified to a greater degree during these uncertain times.

As the Coronavirus continues to be a nationwide concern, we understand the challenges that it may have on our community. As a firm, we are here to help navigate you through the difficulties that you may be encountering and provide some tips on how to take care of yourself during this time.

Social Distancing

Government officials and the World Health Organization continue to emphasize the importance of social distancing. They recommend maintaining at least 6 feet between yourself and other people to avoid the spread of the disease.

However, we understand that it may be difficult to socially distance yourself if you are disabled, as you may rely on other people to assist you with regular, daily activities. If your disability requires you to be in close contact with others, we recommend that you try to avoid contact with those who may be displaying symptoms of the virus if possible.

Practicing Good Hygiene

While it is always important to maintain good hygiene, it is especially important to continue doing so as the virus continues to spread. Practicing good respiratory hygiene and regularly washing your hands will help decrease the spread of the virus. Additionally, you should avoid touching your face to prevent transferring the virus after touching surfaces that may be contaminated.

Seeking Medical Care

If you do begin to feel symptoms that are associated with the virus, such as a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, it is important to seek medical care. When going to seek medical attention, you must follow the directions of your local health authority. Medical care providers are requesting that patients call in advance when they plan to seek medical attention so they may direct you to the right health facility and avoid overcrowding.

Contact Our Firm

In this time of uncertainty, our team is here to help. We understand that the current situation may impact the financial relief that you depend on, such as Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have, so please do not hesitate to reach out to our office online or by phone today.

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