How to Enforce a Child Support Order Across State Lines

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Feb 5, 2025 | Content

Parents who no longer live together often end up living in different states. If the paying parent falls behind on child support, living in different jurisdictions can complicate collection efforts.

Federal law requires states to cooperate in enforcing child support across state lines. Get help from a local family law attorney when you are not receiving child support as ordered.

States Honor Family Court Orders From Other Jurisdictions

Marriages. adoptions, annulments, and divorces that happen in one state are recognized in every other state. The same is true for child support. As long as a family court issues a child support order, it does not matter whether the paying parent and the receiving parent live in different states.

The federal Uniform Interstate Family Support Act applies to child support throughout the U.S. It obligates states to help child support recipients locate delinquent payers in other jurisdictions and enforce child support orders against them. A family law attorney can advise a recipient parent about the procedures involved in enforcing a child support order across state lines.

Register the Order

The parent receiving child support must register the family court order in the state where they currently reside. Until an order from a foreign jurisdiction is registered in a local court, the court has no capacity to enforce it.

The registration procedure varies from state to state, and it is critical to manage it correctly. Anyone needing to register a foreign child support order should contact a local family law attorney for assistance.

Enforcement Strategies When Payor Lives Out-of-State

Every state has a child support enforcement agency. When a parent is not receiving child support payments as directed in the court order, they can seek help from the agency in the place where they reside. If the paying parent’s location is unknown, the authorities in the state where the child support order was issued have the responsibility to find them.

Child support enforcement authorities in the receiving parent’s state of residence can use any enforcement tools available in the paying parent’s state. These typically include garnishing the paying parent’s wages, intercepting their tax refunds, and attaching their bank accounts and other assets. Many states can suspend a driver’s license and other state-issued licenses for non-payment of child support.

A receiving parent can also hire a family law attorney to bring a child support enforcement action against the paying parent. Depending on the circumstances, a local attorney may be able to handle all aspects of an out-of-state enforcement action, or they may refer the court appearances to a colleague licensed in the paying parent’s state.

Work With a Family Law Attorney to Enforce Child Support Across Jurisdictions

Evading child support is not as easy as moving out of state. States work together to ensure parents meet their child support obligations.

However, collecting child support arrears from a different state can be complicated. Enlist the help of a local family law attorney to ensure you get the money you are owed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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